Hobbyists & Professionals Choose Steel Buildings for Their Auto Repair Shops…
With the economy in the United States booming like we haven’t seen in years, consumer confidence is near an all time high. What this means is that as people believe that the economy is stable, and therefore their jobs are stable, they are more apt to spend money on luxuries or things that they may have otherwise put on the backburner. For almost every industry this heightened consumer confidence has been paying off in dividends. However, one place that has truly seen a marked increase in spending is the U.S. auto market.
According to Edmunds, a consumer auto site, the average price of a new vehicle in the U.S. is currently $36,495. This does not mean that every person who buys a car is spending this amount of money. But rather it does mean that people are willing and able to spend more on luxuries. This average price represents a 13% increase in car prices since December 2012. And it is a good indicator that people are doing better financially these days.
Better Economy Means More Hobbyists
One place where the economic growth has really shown itself is among hobbyists who fix up old cars in their spare time. To give you an idea of how large car collecting has gotten in the past few years, at Pebble Beach, one of the more famous auto auctions in the world, in 2017 $327 million was spent in a single weekend on classic cars.
These “amateurs” and I use the term loosely since many are incredibly competent at what they do, are turning to prefab auto shops as a means to house their car collections, and to have a place to work. While these men and women could still use their home garages to work on their cars, many are looking for hangout spots for their friends, as well as a place to work on their car. And that is why they are using metal building kits to construct prefab auto repair shops.
These metal building kits allow them to easily build a structure to work on their car that is their own space. In the prefab auto shops there is no need to have to move their stuff in order to park the family car. There is only space for working on what they love and a maybe a TV and couch so they can hang out with their friends.
Car clubs like this are nothing new, and in fact have been around for almost as long as cars themselves. However, with the economy in full swing and technology like metal building kits for prefab auto repair shops, people are more easily able to realize their dreams today.
Prefab Auto Repair Shops Are Not Just For Hobbyists
It would be incorrect to think that these metal building kits for prefab auto repair shops were just for hobbyists. In fact, most of the people purchasing these types of structures are small business owners. Many have outgrown their current space or are just looking to get away from renting, and so they have turned to prefab auto shops as a solution.
These metal building kits offers a cheap and affordable way to quickly build a structure. And since many can be customized to specific needs, there is really no limit to what can be done with them.
Depending on the size of the company, some of these structures can be very elaborate, and they also allow the business owner to focus on what they do best, run their business, without having to learn how to become a structural engineer.
Purchase Metal Building Kits Today
Our goal at Titan Steel Structures is to give you the easiest building solutions without compromising quality, so if you are in the interested in learning more about the benefits of a metal building kits or a prefab auto shop then give us a call today at 1-855-964-4030, or request a free quote online. Titan Steel Structures’ expert and knowledgeable staff are available Monday thru Friday from 9:00am to 6:00pm. We’re here to serve and guide you through the building selection process.